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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:49 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Do you remember BBC Jane Eyre 2006? The Telegraph has some problems:
Ruth Wilson won acclaim for her leading role in the ITV adaptation of Jane Eyre and will be shackled to a moving train by her ankles in the forthcoming remake of The Lone Ranger, starring Johnny Depp. (Richard Eden)
The adaptation is reviewed today on the net on Peachy Reviews.

The Daily Mail is preparing an erotic writing competition, under the long shadow of Mr Grey:
Christian Grey can trace his romantic roots to Mr Darcy in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Mr Rochester in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, although his erotic roots clearly lie elsewhere.  (John Koski)
The Arizona Daily Sun interviews the novelist Lauren Fox:
A classic that matters to you: "Wuthering Heights."
Every girl loves a bad boy, and Heathcliff is the original. I love those dark, forbidden, swirling passions and the misty moors and the thwarted desire. I'm a sucker for thwarted desire. (Jim Higgins)
The Southern Oregon Mail Tribune talks about the love for books and libraries:
With the 100th anniversary of the Ashland library being celebrated today, old reliable friends like Theroux, Austen, Steinbeck, Twain, Thurber, Brontë, Conrad, Salinger and countless others living in libraries have been on my mind.  (Paul Fattig)
This journalist in The North Shore News remembers her school teachers:
"Mr. Priebe" had a sarcastic spirit and a renegade, romantic, Heathcliff air that never dissipated, even when he was picking his nose in class. (Kate Zimmerman)
The Times interviews the actress Emily Blunt:
Three directors she’d like to work with — and tell them.
So I put the question to Blunt. “Walter Salles, Christopher Nolan and Martin Scorsese. Oh, and Andrea Arnold [the British auteur behind Fish Tank and Wuthering Heights]. I would love to work with Arnold. I think it’s phenomenal what she does.
La Sentinella del Canavese (Italy) announces an upcoming screening of Jane Eyre 2011;  Inner Toob posts about several Jane Eyre TV adaptations (and the Saturday Night Live 2004 sketch with Jude Law); yellowcloth and peggy's blog talk about the original novel; Książki moimi oczami and Baśnie z tysiąca i jednej nocy (both in Polish) reviews Agnes Grey; SuperBookish! (in Portuguese) and Libros de Mari (in Spanish) post about Wuthering Heights; Skytales of a Writer discusses the poetry of Emily Brontë; David Brice has visited recently Brontë country and posts about it.

Finall, the Brontë Parsonage Museum as a The Sims 3 setting by Oloriell at Lori Sims (in Russian) (an impressive work with, nevertheless, some artistic licences).


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