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Saturday, September 08, 2012

Saturday, September 08, 2012 12:01 am by M. in , ,    No comments
An alert in Pasadena, CA from The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA):
California, Southwest Region
Jane Austen versus the Victorians
September 8, 2012
Pasadena Public Library
Donald R. Wright Auditorium
285 East Walnut Street
Pasadena, CA 91101

Get ready to rumble! Join us on the morning of September 8 at the Pasadena Public Library for the main event: Jane Austen versus The Victorians. The doors open at 9:00 AM and the program starts promptly at 9:30 AM. Want to keep the party going after the 11:30 AM finish? Choose to stay on for lunch at a local restaurant with fellow Janeites.

This morning program features two events.

You Are Passionate, Jane, a play by Diana Birchall, featuring Diana Birchall and Syrie James.
“Jane went to Paradise: That was only fair,” wrote Rudyard Kipling, and generations of readers have agreed with him. Now, in You are Passionate, Jane, Austen has been given the role of Gatekeeper in Heaven, deciding which other literary figures will be allowed to ascend. In the fullness of time, the newly deceased Charlotte Brontë is brought before her. The two women are temperamental opposites, and, as Charlotte’s passionate life and works come under scrutiny (the title quote refers to Jane Eyre), the literary sparks fly – upward.

Jane Austen and the Victorians Duke it Out ( …in a very lady-like manner, of course!)” by Charles Lynn Batten, literary critic and UCLA Professor Emeritus.
A longtime favorite among JASNA Southwest presenters, Professor Batten will clarify the differences in sensibility and style between Jane Austen’s work and that of the writers who immediately succeeded her.

$10 cash or check at the door. Guests and members of the public welcome.


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