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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012 12:49 am by M. in    No comments
Some recent examples of artists inspired by the Brontës:

Amanda White is, in her own words:
an English artist living in Spain, painting and collaging in naive style, with a special affinity with Sussex and Derbyshire.
She has made several Brontë Parsonage collages like this one, this one or this other one. On the right hand side you can see her latest work:
Not sure if it's any good but it's what I've had in mind for a while: re-interpreting my collages (which after all are themselves interpretations) in paint. But in this case (and possibly others) pared back and darker.
I daresay it wouldn't do to go back to a photograph and compare this finished article wth the actual building. But then it isn't meant to be a faithful reproduction. Just a spartan and naive echo of Haworth Parsonage.
An interpretation of an interpretation. A dream of a dream. Never mind Shakespeare, now I'm veering into Freud. Though in fact I do remember reading, many years ago and possibly in a preface to Wuthering Heights, about the enormous significance of windows and doors in the Brontës' work.
Elmer Paisley is a Cleveland artist who posted this illustration (left) on his tumblr a few months ago:
Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë. Watercolor and colored pencil.

One of my favourite books. I tried to capture the sweeping, melodramatic atmosphere of the novel.
Rotopolpress publishes a Nadine Redlich illustration (right) inspired by Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights video.

Kieron Sheehy posts on his blog another Wuthering Heights illustration:


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