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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
The Lucas Gillet Emily Brontë songbook A Darker Wave has just been released by Musea Parallèle:
Lucas Gillet
A Darker Wave - Emily Brontë Poems

1 - Watch For A Bird (4'21)
2 - Other Years (2'58)
3 - A Priceless Friend (3'34)
4 - Heavy Hangs The Raindrop (5'27)
5 - Smiling Child (2'43)
6 - Last Ray Wane (4'55)
7 - A Darker Wave (3'33)
8 - In Bliss (7'56)
9 - Cold Is My Heart (4'09)
10 - In Summer Blaze (7'31)
11 - Castle Wood (5'53)
12 - After Eighteen Years (4'44)
13 - Time Parts The Hearts Of Men (5'46)
14 - Journey Onward (2'57)
15 - Sun Has Set (5'30)

"A Darker Wave" (Musea Parallèle, 2012) is the second effort by Lucas Gillet, a young and talented multi-instrumentist from France. If the first one had been recorded with singer Elise Caron on writings by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, this second opus (Clocking at 72 minutes) leads us into Emily Brontë's buccolic and desperate universe. Her poems evoke her state of mind while walking through the moors of Yorkshire, these famous landscapes being depicted in her only novel, the famous "Wuthering Heights". Her goalless existence, the absence of contacts outside her family, the lack of love and friendship are frustrations emphasized by the rigours of the life in the countryside, not to mention the havy weather. Musically speaking, one may find various influences, from National Health, Henry Cow, Gilgamesh or even Sigur Rós, mixed in a very cohesive and personal way. To be discovered ! 


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