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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:30 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
It's summer reading suggestions time already. The Buffalo News recommends Margot Livesey's The Flight of Gemma Hardy:
The Flight of Gemma Hardy by Margot Livesey. Not a slavish parallel as April Lindner’s 2010 “Jane” was (with Mr. Rochester as a rock star), this marvelous, beautifully written update of Jane Eyre, set in Scotland, is at its best in Jane’s early years before she meets Livesey’s incarnation of Mr. Rochester. (Jean Westmoore)
We do agree about that last bit.

The Augusta Teen Issues Examiner's suggestions are addressed to teenagers.
If it was the romance element in "Twilight" that appealed to your teen, try a Gothic romance such as "Wuthering Heights" or a classic romance like Jane Austin's (sic) "Pride and Prejudice." (Amy Kelly)
And speaking of reading lists, a Bedford Today columnist comments on the list based on Scotland's reading choices (with The Da Vinci Code at the top).
So the top 10 is stuffed with titles that people probably haven’t read at all, but may well have caught as a film adaptation somewhere along the line.
And the only classics that don’t fit easily into that category are the slim volumes that regularly feature on the English syllabus at schools.
So we’ve got The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, Tolkein (sic), a slim showing for Dickens and one of the Brontë brood, along with Orwell’s 1984 and Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird.
But if he's outraged about that, we don't know what he'd make of the following blunder from The Irish World:
The live drama was filmed in Dublin and Londonand stars Louise Dylan in the lead role (Louise starred in the 2009 TV production of Emma by Charlotte Brontë). (Madeline O'Connor)
Ah, these old authors, all naming the books the same names!

Dodging Machetes: How I Survived Forbidden Love, Bad Behavior, and the Peace Corps in Fiji by Will Lutwick is according to the promotional press release,
in the tradition of classic star-crossed love stories such as “Wuthering Heights” and “West Side Story” with two exceptions – it really happened and between the dramatic scenes, Lutwick’s writing is quite funny.
EDIT: Apparently Mr. Lutwick wanted to leave a comment and it was never published. If you want to read it, check his website.

The Yorkshire Evening Post publishes a letter from a reader on the Eurovision song contest:
the overall winner from Sweden looking like an escapee from Wuthering Heights! (Edna Levi)
Les lettres d'Odessa loves Wuthering Heights. Jane Eyre is one of Death Author's favourite fictional female characters. Filmifriik writes in Estonian about Jane Eyre 2011. The Bookworm Chronicles discusses Wide Sargasso Sea and Moonlight Reader posts about Eve Marie Mont's A Breath of Eyre. The Secret Writer posts briefly about Juliet Barker's The Brontës.


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