New editions of translated versions of
Jane Eyre:
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë
Translation: Juan González-Blanco de Luaces
Introduction: Cándido Pérez Gallego
Narrativa Austral: 09/11/2011
ISBN: 978-84-670-3757-9
It has to be noted that, as far as we know, this is the 1943 Spanish translation of
Jane Eyre which was a bit 'adapted' to the political views of its time. Quoting from Ortega Sáenz, Marta (2008) «
The Role and Functon of the Translator in post-Civil War Spain: Juan G. de Luaces»
Now that a few excerpts from the translation of Jane Eyre into Spanish have been analysed, it can be concluded that the presentation of this originally challenging female character is significantly adapted. Her modified feminist speeches, her lack of physical desires and her forced passiveness present a new character that suits the portrayal of women in the context of General Franco’s totalitarian regime.
Jane Eyre (Classici tascabili)
Charlotte Brontë
Translator: F. Bell
Dalai Editore: 30/08/2011
ISBN: 978-8860739599
- In France:
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë
Translation: Le Bazeilles Souvestre
Editeur : Hachette Jeunesse (01/06/2011)
Collection : Le Livre de Poche Jeunesse
ISBN: 978-2013229692
(1) Pegenaute, L.; Decesaris, J.; Tricás, M. y Bernal, E. [eds.] Actas
del III Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de
Traducción e Interpretación. La traducción del futuro: mediación
lingüístca y cultural en el siglo XXI. Barcelona 22-24 de marzo de 2007. Barcelona: PPU. Vol. n.º 1, pp. 283-294. ISBN 978-84-477-1026-3.
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