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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:08 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A recently published book with some bizarre Brontë content:
Haunted English Pubs
Donald Stuart
CPI Group, 2011
The Telegraph & Argus explains some of the Haworth appearances in the book:
Pubs in Haworth and Stanbury feature in a new book about haunted hostelries across the UK.
Ghost-hunter Donald Stuart, 75, cycled to 2,000 spooky pubs including 33 in Yorkshire.
He visited the Black Bull, Kings Arms and Old White Lion in Haworth, and Old Silent in Stanbury.
The book, Haunted English Pubs, has accounts about all four among 600 short articles.
His ghosts include Oliver Cromwell, Jack The Ripper, monks, nuns, witches, headless horses and a Saxon warrior.
Mr Stuart is a retired journalist and a member of the Ghost Club and Pub History Society.
He has written several books about old inns and villages in the south of England.
He said that in the Black Bull people had reported footsteps following them up the stairs, cold hands stroking their foreheads, and the sound of a child weeping.
Branwell Brontë is said to haunt the pub with dishevelled red hair and a wild look in his eyes.
The Kings Arms, one-time site of a slaughterhouse, has recorded poltergeist activity and strange sounds from the cellars where undertakers used to store bodies.
Guests at the Old White Lion have reported strange happenings during the night, such as waking to see a pretty white-faced woman staring at them.
They have also felt a dizzy sensation of falling through space and waking up.
The Old Silent Inn has long been renowned for supernatural sightings and has hosted several all-night ghost hunts.
Supernatural sightings have included a travelling man, moving paintings, self-opening curtains, and ghost cats yowling as they rush to be fed by a ghost landlady. (David Knights)


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