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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:50 pm by M. in ,    No comments
Wuthering Heights 2011 has been screened at the Seminci Film Festival in Valladolid, Spain, and we have several widely varied reactions. Check, for instance this twitter hashtag with opinions ranging from a serious contender for the best film award to a very tedious film.

The published reviews are also highly differing. Europa Press says that the film was received with applauses, but Ruta42 and Estrenos.com says that the screening only generated a collective yawn.

But the most bizarre thing is this (positive) review from El Mundo, illustrated with the above picture which features Andrea Arnold and... Emily Brontë. Why the newspaper selects a painting by Dante Rosetti of  Marie Spartali Stillmann to put a face to Emily Brontë is beyond our understanding.

EDIT: More reviews: El Norte de Castilla, Globemedia, La Mirada de Ulises, ABC, Leonoticias ...


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