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Sunday, September 04, 2011

Sunday, September 04, 2011 7:58 pm by M. in , , , ,    2 comments
The National Post (Canada) is a bit confused about who played in Jane Eyre 2011. As much as we like Carey Mulligan, we think that she was not in Cary Fukunaga's version:
Made again, and better, were films of Brighton Rock (starring new fash-mag favourite Andrea Riseborough) and Jane Eyre (with Carey Mulligan; ditto). I have much cooler feelings toward the 3D Baz Luhrmann remake of The Great Gatsby (Mulligan, again), but J.Crew’s all over it; their fall lineup is inspired by Jay and Daisy both. (Sarah Nicole Prickett)
The Mirror likes this new version:
A beautifully elegant re-telling of Charlotte Brontë’s classic with the protagonists moody and moving. A subtle and classy adaptation, driven by fine ­performances and a sense of slow-burning passion. (Mark Adams)
And The Sunday Star Times (New Zealand):
he core cast handles the archaic dialogue with ease, enabling us to enter freely into the bleak world where a teacher speaks of "rooting out the wickedness in this small, ungrateful plant". Inevitably, as with many stories of this era, the thwarted romance includes misunderstandings and tortured longings, and some may feel the lessened age-gap between the leads is not entirely faithful, but Jane Eyre is still a satisfying watch. (Sarah Watt)
Paperblog announces the Italian release of the film in October (see poster).

Richard Brooks in The Times seems to be one of the few that have been able to see Wuthering Heights 2011 already:
Hence One Day and all the other novel-based movies heading our way: another Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights (this one is at least directed by the iconoclastic Andrea Arnold, with an outstanding performance from with an outstanding performance from Kaya Scodelario, from E4’s Skins, as Cathy)[.]
Daphne Lee in The Star (Malaysia) thinks that abridged texts are a good way to attract readers:
I think abridged texts are definitely worth reading. I first enjoyed Pride And Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and Gulliver’s Travels and many other classics in abridged form. And I’m eager to reacquaint myself with the Junior Deluxe Editions and Great Books for Children versions of Little Women and Around The World In 80 Days, Heidi and Treasure Island, with their fine illustrations – illustrations that attracted me to these books in the first place.
The Independent (Ireland) makes a nonsense statement saying that Miss Ireland Holly Carpenter:
At first glance, Holly appears to have applied the same hard-won philosophy to her break-up with her boyfriend in January. The experience seems to have left her slightly cynical, but she is just 19, and doubtless she will have a love life worthy of the pen of Barbara Cartland or Emily Brontë along the way.
We don't know about Mrs Carpenter's love life... but putting in the same phrase Barbara Cartland and Emily Brontë is preposterous. (Barry Egan)
Charlotte Brontë as a case in point in CDAPress:
Charlotte Brontë wrote, in the stunning forward to the classic novel, Jane Eyre, that "self-righteousness is not religion... To pluck the mask from the face of the Pharisee, is not to lift an impious hand to the Crown of Thorns." She was speaking of the dichotomy she witnessed when her work was praised while it was attributed to her male moniker, Currer Bell, and the criticism she received upon revealing that she was a woman. The message of her book became overshadowed by the fact that she was a woman. Her terse retort, much like her words more broadly, rings just as true today as they ever have: We are too quick to make decisions based on title alone. (Luke Malek)
Cine-blog reviews Jane Eyre 2011, scriptgirl (in Dutch) posts about the film and sofia_gray uploads caps and themes;  A Day in the Life has enjoyed Jane Eyre 1973; Donne intriganti (in Italian) devotes a post to the Brontës; TruckerJamesHowell (on YouTube) has visited the Brontë Falls.

Finally, the Brontë Parsonage Blog publishes a chronicle by Maddalena De Leo of the recent Brontë Society Conference (The Brontës and the Bible) and shares some pictures. Professor De Leo has also sent us additional pictures of the conference:

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  1. I think Carey Mulligan would have made a fantastic Jane Eyre. Such a shame she wasn't, I would have brought the DVD otherwise. That girl simply lights up the screen.
