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Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011 12:31 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A couple of alerts for today, July 15 and tomorrow July 16:

1. In Avigliana, Italy
Concerto spettacolo multisensoriale
July 15, 21 h near Santa Croce church in piazza Conte Rosso,
Melodie in petali e rime 
a cura di Gabriella Perugini con Gabriella Perugini, (liuto rinascimentale e vihuela) e Anna Montalenti (voce recitante). 
The poetry selection includes Emily Brontë:
La selezione delle poesie, a cura di Susanna Piano, comprende versi di poetesse di ogni tempo (Saffo, Contessa Lara, Almina Madau, Ada Negri, Marianne Moore, Emily Brontë, Marcia Theophilo, Giusi Quarenghi, Antonia Pozzi, Anna Maria Ortese, Alda Merini…), che si accostano senza retorica al tema floreale.
More information in Piemonte Press.

2. In New Westminster, BC, Canada:
While book clubs and reading clubs are familiar offerings at the public library, Irving House is launching a book club that's in keeping with its mandate. Irving House is inviting residents to join its Victorian Book Club, where participants will explore 19th century novels in their original context. Participants will read literary works by the likes of Emily and Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, Oscar Wilde, H.G. Wells, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Mark Twain and others.
The Victorian Book Club is open to people aged 15 and up. Membership is free but people have to bring their own book.
The group's first meeting is on Saturday, July 16 at 12 p.m. at Irving House, and discussion groups will be held every second week (with the dates yet to be determined). Space is limited; call 604-527-4640 to reserve a spot. (Theresa McManus in The Record)
3. In Halifax:
The Brontës and Halifax Parish 1811-2011: Links Old and New
A talk by David Glover
Join David Glover for a fascinating insight into the connections between Halifax Parish and the world famous Brontë Family. A fundraising event for Aye-Eye and Halifax Festival.The Brontes
When: Friday 15 July, 7pm
Where: Town Hall
Fund-raising event for the Calderdale Aye-Eye charity and Halifax Festival
EDIT: More information in the Halifax Evening Courier.

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