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Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011 12:03 am by M. in , ,    2 comments
Two curious and very different alerts for today, June 10:
1. In Haworth, a ghost hunt:
Wuthering Frights, The Ghost Of Brontë
The Black Bull, Friday, 10 June 2011 - Saturday, 11 June 2011

 'All my life I have done nothing, either great or good ' The last fading words of Branwell Brontë before he died 24th September 1848.

At the top of a steep cobbled hill on Main Street, Haworth, there stands the most famous haunted pub in the village, renowned for poltergeist activity, dark entities, one of which is believed to be Branwell Brontë and a menacing ghost of a serving girl who still to this day tries to seduce the gentlemen by cunningly climbing under the bedclothes of startled b&b guests. Exclusive to Mysteria Paranormal Events this renowned haunted location is not for the fainthearted...

Mysteria Paranormal Events are constantly looking for new locations were we can offer exclusively to those of you who like ghost hunting at new locations that are not overworked. (More information)
2. In Rome, Italy, a concert with music inspired by Wuthering Heights (at the piano, Marco Grieco, co-author of the musical Cime Tempestose):
Festival Musicale Delle Nazioni
Concerti del Tempietto
Nottir Romane al Teatro di Marcello - XXIII Edizione
June 10 20.30
Cime Tempestose

Beethoven: Sonata Opus 31 N.2  "The Tempest"
Chopin: Scherzo N.2 & Notturno Op. Post.
Liszt: Dante - Soatea & Parafrasi sul Rigoletto di Verdi

Marco Grieco (piano)
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  1. so tired of people making the Brontes all about ghosts, spooks, hauntings; the Brontes were believing Christians, and since believers go into the presence of the Lord when they die, they won't be bothered "haunting" earth. If you are seeing "spirits", they are not of God, they are of Satan. Haworth is a special place to me because of the remarkable lives of the people who lived and wrote there, and it would be better to honor their lives and work rather than dabble in the occult.

  2. Says you.Spirits have been around since people have.People who die by violence or with unfinished business tend to come back to wrap things up.It doesn't mean they have anything to do with Satan.People who love a certain place or their families so much they stick around awhile and then their are those who just don't realize they are dead.Sometimes a birth is difficult so why shouldn't death have a few bumps for some?Sure it is a good thing to honor their lives and their contributions.They were good people.But their lives were also filled with tradgedy and trauma.That is fact.Ghosts are not of Satan,they are usually just confused.
