Here are a couple of Brontë-related finds on Etsy.
Audrey Eclectic has made a lovely
Jane Eyre mug (further info
on her blog):
The only thing better than the deliciously dark gothic tale of Jane Eyre is enjoying the tale while sitting a hot drink out of a pretty mug while dreaming of the English countryside.
I'm please to debut for you another one of my handpainted designs, this time featuring a sketch of the demure Jane Eyre with the funny little quip 'dontmake me get the crazy lady out of the attic" on the back.

And inbook has customised a couple of Penguin editions of
Jane Eyre and
Wuthering Heights to make them into charging docks for iPhone and iPod.
This cloth-bound copy of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is delicious, and will make a wonderful charger dock and decorative piece. It is a charcoal gray with red leaf accents, and has red lettering on the cover and spine. The ribbon bookmark has been placed and sealed in the book. The gray is just the perfect shade of the gray, which makes the red pop!
Is your device dead? Charge it on the moors between Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights, amidst the struggles of love, loyalty, life, and death that Emily Brontë paints so vividly in the classic novel Wuthering Heights. This is a new gray cloth-bound copy, with blue vines of rose and thorns. The cover illustrates the famous quote, "but he that dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose."
Categories: Jane Eyre, Weirdo, Wuthering Heights
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