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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011 12:55 am by M. in ,    1 comment
A couple of current exhibitions display Jane Eyre-inspired dresses:

1. At the Red House Museum (Gomersal) after being at the Dewsbury Museum, as told by the Dewsbury Reporter:  (Picture source)
A new take on the life of the Brontë family is to be exhibited at Red House Museum.
Elaine Smith’s Brontë inspired work has just been on show at Dewsbury Museum, in Crow Nest Park, as part of a display by second year fine art for design students at Batley School of Art and Design.
And now the student’s designs, including a Brontë-style dress made from pages of the famous sisters’ books and a Victorian wig are being taken to Dewsbury Minister for another spell on show.
From the Minster they will be taken to Red House Museum, well-known for its connections with Charlotte Brontë.
Mrs Smith, a mother of four, said she was hopeful the two extra shows of her work would lead towards it being exhibited at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.
2. On the other side of the pond at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum the exhibition "CUT! Costume and the Cinema" is on from May 7 to July 31. According to this visitor's comment relayed by The Daily Reveille there are some Jane Eyre costumes too although we have been unable to find out from which particular adaptation:
Stephanie Cronan, communications sophomore, said the exhibit was even better than she expected.
"I really liked the costumes from ‘Gosford Park,' ‘Jane Eyre' and ‘Sense and Sensibility,'" Cronan said. "I love movies, and seeing costumes from some of my favorites was amazing. It was a really nice layout, with enough space so you could view the costume." (Morgan Searles)
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1 comment:

  1. at 0.17 it seems Jane Eyre's wedding dress from Zeffirelli's version
