Among the many interesting things happening this weekend at the Brontë Society AGM one of the most interesting will take place today, June 5, at the Parsonage.
The recently restored piano cabinet will be played again to be listened to by everyone visiting the Parsonage.
Maya Irgalina from the Royal Northern College of Music, who also played the piano last year, will play pieces from the Brontës' music books including Beethoven and Händel. The performance times are (via
Abigail's Ateliers):
10.30 to 11.15
11.45 to 12.30
1.00 to 1.45
2.15 to 3.00
Picture: Maya Irgalina playing the Brontës' piano(June 2010). Clare Stevens. Source.
Categories: Brontë Parsonage Museum, Music
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