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Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011 12:04 am by M. in , ,    2 comments
Two new editions of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights for the Italian market:
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë
Giunti Y Classics
Uscita 4 maggio 2011
ISBN 9788809763197

Cime Tempestose
Emily Brontë
Giunti Y Classics
Uscita 4 maggio 2011
ISBN 9788809763180
More information on Il Blog di Y.

And Erin Blakemore's The Heroine's Bookshelf has been translated into Italian:
La biblioteca delle donne
Erin Blakemore
Translation: Elisabetta Stefanini
Publisher: ORME
Collection: Il naso, 2010
ISBN: 978-88-88774-72-5
Categories: , ,


  1. Oooh, the cover for Jane Eyre is lovely!

  2. Oh. Might the cover of Wutherung Heights actually show the first picture of Andrea Arnolds upcoming film? Or is it just taken from a photo-shoot?
