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Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011 12:03 am by M. in ,    No comments
As we have been publishing, this Sunday the radio premiere of a new Wuthering Heights adaptation takes place.
Drama on 3
Sun 27 Mar 2011  20:00   BBC Radio 3
Wuthering Heights
adapted by Jonathan Holloway

With Carl Prekopp as Heathcliff, Natalie Press as Catherine (and Cathy), Janine Duvitski as Ellen, Samuel Barnett as Edgar, David Birrell as Mr Lockwood, Hayley Doherty as Isabella and Russell Boulter as Hindley.

A new adaptation by Jonathan Holloway of Emily Brontë's great novel of violent obsession. Heathcliff and Catherine have entered the world's imagination as great lovers. Yet they kiss once only. Dante Gabriel Rossetti described the story: 'A fiend of a book. The action is laid in Hell - only it seems places and people have English names there.' There is extraordinary cruelty and madness in the story and yet its extremes grip us and each generation since the book was first published in 1847 has made what it will of the lovers and their disasters.
Curiously enough, the actress who plays Cathy, Nathalie Press, was attached for a time to Angela Workman's Brontë biopic. She was to play... Emily Brontë, of course.

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