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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wednesday, March 09, 2011 9:53 am by M. in , , , ,    1 comment
The Wall Street Journal interviews the author Tabish Khair:
I have many favorite moments in literature. Manto’s Toba Tek Singh stuck in no-man’s land; Brontë’s Heathcliff wrenching open the window and soliciting Cathy’s ghost to enter. (Margherita Stantica)
Another author interviewed, Jacqueline West on Minnesota Reads:
Let’s say Fahrenheit 451 comes to life, which book would you become in order to save it from annihilation?
It might be easiest for me to pick something like Jane Eyre (which I already have half-memorized, thanks to that Victorian-obsessed adolescence), but if I had to embody one book in a Fahrenheit 451 sort of world, I would probably choose Vonnegut’s The Sirens of Titan.
Daemon's Books reviews Bite Me: A Love Story by Christopher Moore and quotes from the novel:
Abby: “I was clearly born in the wrong time. I should have been born in Wuthering Heights times. Although if I was Cathy, I would have hunted down that Heathcliff guy and beat him with a riding crop like a sado-hooker with his Black Card on file. Just sayin’.
Associated Content has an article vindicating Jane Eyre 2006; This is Gloucestershire announces the death of actress and writer Betty Paul who debuted as Adèle in 1936; Scrawled in Blue is reading Jane Eyre and thomasenqvist uploads to YouTube a video visiting Haworth and the Parsonage.

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1 comment:

  1. I hope JE 2006 doesn't need to be vindicated! Has critical opinion soured on this version? It's so marvellous.
