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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Sunday, February 06, 2011 2:26 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Hollywood Outbreak uncovers the Brontëite inside actress Kellie Martin (Smooch, Life Goes On, ER):
“I was one of those girls who dreamed about her wedding when they were 12 years old and was definitely into the quote, unquote romantic things,” she reveals. “I loved Wuthering Heights and all the Brontë and Edith Wharton novels. So, I am a romantic at heart. I try to be a realist, but I think my default is definitely a romantic.”
The Sunday Herald interviews singer Anna Calvi:
How many times have you read Wuthering Heights, Anna? “Once.” (Teddy Jamieson)
The Times talks about singleness:
However, what they will share more than anything is a resistance to narrative closure.There would be no “Reader, I married him” for today’s Jane Eyre, who would deem, correctly, that Rochester had “issues”, sleep with him, but not hostage her fortune to him.  Remember: you are single by choice, even if technically that choice was someone else’s. (Hannah Betts)
The Independent reviews Sebastian Faulks Faulks on Fiction:
The book works well as a history of the novel and its uneasy relationship with society. It is less successful when Faulks starts diagnosing characters: Tom Jones's Lady Bellaston is "a cougar"; Heathcliff fears abandonment; Darcy is depressed; Lovelace a sociopath; oh, and, re Lady Chatterley, "Repeated rhythmic penetration is what some women like best." Psychoanalytic literary theory is nothing new; but this theory – that most things in literature basically come down to bonking – just might be. (Katy Guest)
Screen Junkies lists the top ten sad movie quotes. Including one from Jane Eyre 1996:
Jane Eyre (as child): “My parents died when I was very young. I went to stay with my Aunt who didn't love me.” Movie: “Jane Eyre” (1996), Actress: Anna Paquin, From the Novel by Charlotte Brontë. The young child articulates her plight simply, which lends tragedy and sadness to the quote. (Breakstudies)
Ursula K. Le Guin: A Blog publishes a funny piece about the not-so-funny 'moral clause' for HarperCollins authors:
Because I did not read my contract with your wonderful publishing house HarperCollins carefully, I did not realise my moral obligations.
There is nothing for it now but to confess everything. Before I wrote my book Emily Brontë and the Vampires of Lustbaden, which you published this fall and which has been on the Times Best Seller List for five straight months, I committed bad behavior and said bad words in public that brought me into serious contempt in my home town of Blitzen, Oregon. In fact the people there found me so seriously contemptible that I am now living in Maine under the name of Trespassers W. (...)
The Compulsive Reader and My Head Is Full of Books review April Lindner's Jane; Scribblemaniac talks about Juliet Barker's revised edition of The Brontës among other things; The Church Bulletin reviews Wuthering Heights and DelightfulEccentric talks about its 1992 movie adaptation. Finally, Les sœurs Brontë has reappeared now as a Wordpress blog with a couple of posts about a 2006 trip to Haworth and a comparison Byron-Elbë-Heathcliff.

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