Prometheus Bound Books presents a new personalised edition of Jane Eyre... which is, well... judge for yourself:
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë
Prometheus Bound Books
Bound in a beautiful Leather (with a heart) binding
New edition, bound in Pink Leather with a heart. An early role model of courage, independence and spirit, Jane Eyre's dramatic story of love, secrets, disaster and triumph still thrills the reader.
There are all sorts of people. For instance Liz Jones from the
Daily Mail would love a gift such as... that.
Or visit www.prometheusboundbooks.com and order one of her favourite novels — you can tell how much she loves it by how warped it is from the bath — as a beautifully bound and inscribed limited edition.
I would love to receive the 1935 edition of British Birds, bound in dark grey Beluga, £110, or Jane Eyre, in pink leather, £105.
Categories: Books, Jane Eyre
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