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    3 months ago

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 12:04 am by M. in    3 comments

A collection of photos on Flickr by Abigail Ateliers has grabbed our attention. The pictures show some recent photographs taken during the filming of one of their promotional presentations.

With the Parsonage surroundings (churchyard, old school) covered in snow as the background, the two models are carefully dressed like Charlotte and Emily Brontë, with beautiful gowns and hair styles inspired by Brontë portraits.

Well worth browsing through the collection of images.

EDIT: Thanks to the anonymous reader that has pointed us to the source of these pictures:
The video was for the Big Screen Bradford and made by some media students sponsored by the BBC
Promo for Bradford City Council made by Sound and Visual Media students from University of Bradford.



  1. I liked the dresses and the photographs but I wonder what Charlotte would think about the RED one. Remember all that talk about dresses in Jane Eyre and Villette:

    "The hour spent at Millcote was a somewhat harassing one to me. Mr.
    Rochester obliged me to go to a certain silk warehouse: there I was
    ordered to choose half-a-dozen dresses. I hated the business, I begged leave to defer it: no--it should be gone through with now. By dint of entreaties expressed in energetic whispers, I reduced the half-dozen to two: these however, he vowed he would select himself. With anxiety I watched his eye rove over the gay stores: he fixed on a rich silk of the most brilliant amethyst dye, and a superb pink satin. I told him in a new series of whispers, that he might as well buy me a gold gown and a silver bonnet at once: I should certainly never venture to wear his choice. With infinite difficulty, for he was stubborn as a stone, I persuaded him to make an exchange in favour of a sober black satin and pearl-grey silk." (Jane Eyre)

    "Two days after came home--a pink dress!
    "That is not for me," I said, hurriedly, feeling that I would almost
    as soon clothe myself in the costume of a Chinese lady of rank.

    "We shall see whether it is for you or not," rejoined my godmother,
    adding with her resistless decision: "Mark my words. You will wear it
    this very evening."

    "I thought I should not; I thought no human force should avail to put
    me into it. A pink dress! I knew it not. It knew not me. I had not
    proved it." (Villette)

  2. Hi
    The video was for the Big Screen Bradford and made by some media students sponsored by the BBC ,,I am not sure when its being shown but you can see it on Youtube ,,its called 10 minutes in Haworth,,,, I think so anyway ,,that was its preliminary title
    I made the dresses but I only had approx three days notice so while I made the green dress as a replica of the one in Branwells portraite of Emily ,,the side view that was cut from the gun group ,,I didnt have another muted dress for myself but its dark red plain wool and undecorated except for a lace collar like the little collars charlotte used to like wearing so I had to settle for that ,,it did grieve me somewhat to have too little time to make a charlotte replica gown ,,,
    The video has a opening sequence about the railway then a interview with a local man but the last part is an interview and filming in the parsonage and graveyartd with a voice over of Emilys poetry

  3. Hi
    Glad you found it ,,I hope everyone enjoys it ,,the Brontes are not mentioned until a couple of minutes in so anyone who starts watching and see the kwvr dont worry ,,The photo on the blog is mine but the video is by some lovely young ladys from Bradford media studies at the uni
    I didnt mean to be annoymous but I didnt have a sign in at the time
    I am the Abigials Ateliers owner ,,, Lyn Marie ,,,the red dressed charlotte in the video ,,the young lady with me is called Rebecca Ross ,its her voice in the lovely voice over of Emilys poetry
    The photo above is from My flickr profil as Abigial709b it has lots of Bronte inspired images you and your readers might like as I turn to their work a lot for inspiration, you are all very welcome to use any of them in blogs but please let me know as recently I have had a few problems with misuse,
    Also I would love to know what people think of the video ,I was thrilled they used some images of us laughing as I think the Brontes are often made to seem a bit dreary when they were really quite happy for most of their lives ,,but not everyone liked that part of the video,,,
