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Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010 12:14 am by M. in ,    No comments
Recent Brontë-related scholar articles:
Gothic Criticisms: Wuthering Heights and Nineteenth-Century Literary History
Emily Rena-Dozier
ELH - Volume 77, Number 3, Fall 2010, pp. 757-775
The history of the novel in the nineteenth century depended on a developmental narrative in which the domestic novel became the basic form of British fiction, taking over from earlier forms such as the picaresque or the gothic. By revealing that the efforts of the domestic to separate itself from the gothic result in a replication of gothic violence, Wuthering Heights attacked the fundamental premises of the narrative of the rise of the novel, disturbing the progressive logic of the history of the novel by demonstrating the interdependence, and ultimate indistinguishability, of gothic and domestic modes. In so doing, Wuthering Heights became a deeply uncomfortable text for nineteenth-century literary history, so uncomfortable that it remained marginal for nearly a century after its publication.
Captives en chambres closes ou en milieux naturels protégés dans Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë
Hélène Machinal
Les Cahiers du CEIMA, 6 (Capture et captivité) (May 2010) p.6
The House of Dead Maids (review)
Kate Quealy-Gainer
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books - Volume 64, Number 2, October 2010, pp. 71-72
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