1. Polly Teale's Brontë is perfromed in Walsall, West Midlands, UK:

The Grange Players
Written by Polly Teale
Directed by Claire Armstrong Mills
The Grange Playground of Walsall
11th-20th November 2010 (except Sunday)
commencing at 7.45 pm
“Brontë is a theatre experience not to be missed.”
This inventive drama examines the lives of three of the most studied and discussed writers of all time. Spurred by their brother’s tumultuous personal life, the motherless sisters Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë write in their remote home on the Yorkshire moors. The real and the imagined collide as the characters the sisters have created come to life. The play explores how a trio of Victorian spinsters could have produced some of the most passionate literature ever written.
2. In Donostia, Spain a couple of talks around
Jane Eyre and
Wide Sargasso Sea:
Reading group
2010/10/14 - 2010/11/25
On the bookshop shelves, in the bookcases of our homes and in our imaginations, books are always alive and together they engage in dialogue, communicate, complement each other and have fun.
Coordination: Mertxe Tranche
Dates: 11th November and 25th November
Time: 19:00
Venue: Arteleku Documentation Centre
We have taken two illustrations of this possible dialogue, persisting through time. The two examples are classic novels of female literature – Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre- and in autumn, in Arteleku, we will hear them chatting and laughing with two contemporary, complementary works. And so, the dialogue of books continues.
11th November: “Jane Eyre” Charlotte Brontë
25th November: “Wide Sargasso Sea” Jean Rhys
Categories: Jane Eyre, Talks, Theatre, Wide Sargasso Sea
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