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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 12:03 am by M. in ,    4 comments
Another retelling (more like an adaptation that 'modernises' the language) of Jane Eyre recently released:
I am Jane Eyre: The Untold Story
by Teana Rowland
# Paperback: 228 pages
# Publisher: Neepradaka Press (August 18, 2010)
# ISBN-10: 0956492827
# ISBN-13: 978-0956492821

This special volume is a great fictional read for lovers of the original novel as well as newcomers. Discover what really happened at Lowood school, the true nature of the relationship between Jane and Mr.Rochester, and other intriging mysteries. Great for students not used to classical literature. Provides an accessible read to grasp the main elements of the original novel.
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  1. Aww not ANOTHER one?! I do want to read other books as well, you know, not just JE adaptations! (Said to the world in general.) But there seem to be so many coming out that I'm kept very busy, as I've put my mind to reading them all. Got "The Ivy Tree" and "Jenna Starborn" waiting and I won "Sloane Hall" in a giveaway recently and it arrived yesterday, so have started with that one. Then there's "Jane" and now this one that I also need to get hold of. Phew!

    Speaking of which, any news on when "Rochester: Consummation" (JL Niemann) is due?

  2. Last I heard, which wasn't all that long ago, JL was just beginning to edit "Consummation" and was looking to get a new publisher.

  3. Rochelle Lemarko8/21/2012 12:18:00 pm

    Yep it's true- too many to keep up with. Lucky I was given this one as a present and it sits next the original Jane Eyre. Some people have got a bit hot under the collar due to some of the scenes in this book- but I guess each to their own! Personally this particular one is my favourite and something which I keep dipping into to re-read particular bits of the story. Would recommend it!

  4. I just recently completed reading this and I loved it! It is rather fruity but one of the best retellings I have read. It will be on a christmas gift list for all my friends!!
