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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wednesday, May 05, 2010 2:51 pm by Cristina in , , , , ,    3 comments
Jayne Wisener, Bessie in Jane Eyre 2011, talks about her role in Corelaine Times :
"I am only a small part in it but it's still quite exciting. I have to speak with a Yorkshire accent so it's lucky I spent all that time in Leeds doing the Secret Garden," said Jayne referring to her role in the acclaimed production of The Secret Garden in the Leeds Playhouse before Christmas. (Una Culkin)
Two websites interview author Charlaine Harris and she shows her Brontëiteness in both of them. From Phillyist:
What did you read as a child?
Anything that came to hand. I read Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, the Hardy Boys, Bomba the Jungle Boy, and a lot of less obvious choices. I read whatever I picked up. Poe, Bronte, Austen. (Daneisha Ballard)
And from Express Night Out:
» EXPRESS: How did you know you first wanted to be a writer?
» HARRIS: I always wanted to be a writer, from the time I learned how to read and learned how to hold a pencil. It was a natural inclination, and my parents were great readers and encouraged me and my brother to read. They pretty much let me read what I wanted, and that was a huge influence. I must have read "Jane Eyre" 20 times, I guess, and all of Jane Austen's work, and I used to read [Edgar Allan] Poe a lot — and when I grew a little older, Shirley Jackson has continued to be a great favorite of mine
There might be Brontëites in the making as we speak too. Read Street - a Baltimore Sun blog - talks about Hamilton Tavern:
But my favorite part is the bathroom. What, that's weird?
But on the bathroom walls, instead of juvenile grafitti, ads for drink specials or STD public service announcements, the good people at Hamilton Tavern have papered the walls with the pages of classic reads.
We've got Shakespeare, Austen, the Brontes ... and those were just the ones I was able to spot in my brief time visiting the restroom. (Nancy Knight)
A couple of pictures can be seen here.

A quote from Villette (ch. XXXVII) makes it into The Mormon Times.

And now we think you are going to love this YouTube find as much as we have. Described by FineMoustaches as
By Phil Lord and Chris Miller
This was a fake commercial we made in 1998 for a series of educational shorts about action figures based on historical figures. Its educational value was somewhat suspect. It was never aired.
It's wonderfully hilarious and... well, great.

Also on YouTube, user Poetictouchannel has uploaded two poems by Emily Brontë: To Imagination and The Philosopher.

Austenacious discusses thet shift from Austen adaptations to Brontë adaptations.

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  1. The Brontë power dolls commercial is brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love that commercial. I shared it with my students.

  3. It takes the name calling to extremes. Just my little quibble.

    Victorian women were taught they should not write about their passions, nor their sexual desires, nor their unequal educations and legal and financial status. The sisters did so, quite brazenly and brilliantly -- and it resonated with other women. They really scared the conventionally moral essayists and critics.

    The "educational value" is quite low. However, it is a SPOT ON spoof of American TV ads for action figures -- marketed for boys. Ask any mother of boys. ;-)
