
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tuesday, April 06, 2010 12:03 am by M. in ,    No comments
More recent scholar contributions:
NeMLA 2010 Convention
Montreal, Quebec; April 8-11, 2010

Panel: ‘Pillars of Witness’: Brontë Literature as Commentary

“‘Hush! Hush!’ Nelly Dean: Servants, Secrets, and Suffering in Wuthering Heights
Nancy Von Rosk, Mount Saint Mary College

“Epistolary Witness: Nelly & Mrs. Heathcliff’s Letter”
Judith Pike, Salisbury University

“‘Me they could not see’: Invisible Witnessing in Villette”
Anna Lepine, John Abbott College

“Bearing Witness: Faith, Feminism, and Anne Brontë”
Kristin Le Veness, Nassau Community College

Panel: Classic and Contemporary American Girl Lit: Girls’ Worlds
“Fighting the Fairy Tale: Jane Eyre and the American YAL Novel”
MicKenzie Fasteland, University of Michigan

Panel: Lessons in Sympathy in 19th-century British Literature

“Loss and the Loveliness of Jane Eyre
Kate Brown, SUNY Buffalo

Panel: The Politics of Meat in the Nineteenth Century Novel

“Nationality and Vivisection in Villette
Maggie Berg, Queen’s University
Sigma Tau Delta
International English Society

March 17-20
Saint Louis 2010

Panel: Victorian and/or Later 19th Century British Literature

Ashlee Clark, Louisiana Tech University (LA): “Anne Brontë’s Two-Tiered Morality in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Kristen Billy, The College of New Jersey (NJ): “Ephemeral Earth, Undying Spirit: Dualism in Jane Eyre
Audrey Faltin, Northwest Missouri State University (MO): “Cleansing, Revenge, and Establishment: The Three-fold Role of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights
Sara Wright, University of Indianapolis (IN): “Bertha Mason Rochester: The Vampire of Jane Eyre

Panel: Romanticism and/or Early 19th Century British Literature

Sarah Reyes, The College of New Jersey (NJ): “Skeletons in the Closet and a Madwoman in the Attic”
2010 CUNY Pipeline Conference
CUNY University, New York
February 20

A Heroine’s Addiction: The Cycle of Submission in Jane Eyre’s Patriarchal Houses by Michael Parillo
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