
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sunday, February 07, 2010 1:18 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Desert Sun interviews Anne Rice:
Vampire writers today are taking the story in new directions. What do you think of the vampire fad? (...)
The concept of the vampire is a great concept, so it's not surprising that many different authors could go to that concept and write fascinating stories. Stephanie Meyer with the “Twilight” stuff really is repeating the basic theme of the Bronte sisters: a young girl fascinated by a mysterious older figure. She's made it a vampire that goes to high school, but it's basically an older man that's both protective and something of a menace. That's straight out of “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights” - the infatuation with Heathcliff, the infatuation with Mr. Rochester. (Bruce Fessier)
Not the first time we read Anne Rice describing Twilight's success and comparing it to Brontë novels.

The Guardian interviews Emily Mortimer who, talking about her new role in Shutter Island, says:
She describes Martin Scorsese's set as very calming (despite the fact that she plays a child killer in an insane asylum – she evokes Shutter Island as "a cross between Emily Brontë and B-movies of the 1950s"). "It was old school: everybody's the best, everybody's in their place and there's no rushing around because it's all been done before the actors arrive. I just thought: this is unbelievable to be here, and I don't care what happens. I don't care if I don't end up in the movie." (Gaby Wood)
The New Zealand Herald describes the next PechaKucha Night in Auckland with a Brontë (although not exactly positive) reference:
If the book club scones are dry and you're sick of Nancy droning on about Jane Eyre, it might be time to get your fix somewhere else. (Rebecca Parry)
The Hindu warns us that Jane Eyre is a fictional character. In its review of Me Cheeta: The Autobiography by James Lever
There is (as far as we know) no such thing as a monkey capable of language and literature, but then, nor is there any such thing as an orc or an elf, or Jane Eyre, or Hercule Poirot, or Sartaj Singh, or Rocket Singh .(Aditya Sudarshan)
The San Francisco Sentinel reminds us that Emily Brontë was born in a year of the tiger, The Halifax Reader recommends Maureen Adams's Shaggy Muses, Webers in London! are visiting Brontë country, Nerves Strengthened with Tea reviews positively Villete, huffenglish.com posts about loving Wuthering Heights, Le Diffuseur Poétique (in French) posts a long and interesting review of the selection of poetry by Emily Brontë published by Hesperus some time ago: Poems of Solitude, katharsis posts a Jane Eyre inspired magnetic poem. Finally, Unikornis posts about the Brontë sisters in Hungarian.

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