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Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009 10:56 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner reports that Oakwell Hall, which was first the model for Fieldhead in Shirley and was recently seen on Wuthering Heights 2009, will come back to the screen for another remotely Brontë-connected adaptation, The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister.
It has already tasted TV stardom.
But now Oakwell Hall, at Birstall, is to again be at the centre of a major television production.
The Elizabethan manor house featured in the ITV production of Wuthering Heights, has been selected as a location for a star-studded period drama.
The BBC2 production – The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister, a scandalous lesbian love story – is to be filmed at Oakwell in the next few weeks. [...]
Filming is taking place at Shibden as well as at Oakwell. However, the size of Shibden’s rooms and building lay-out would make filming some of the internal scenes technically difficult.
The production team, some of whom were involved in Wuthering Heights, are therefore using Oakwell Hall for those scenes.
NorthJersey talks to young writer Keshia Espy, who is currently is participating in NaNoWriMo.
She also likes Emily Bronte and thinks that "Wuthering Heights" is one of the best books ever. (Danielle Rose)
And just a short appearance of the Twilight zone today. It looks as if it's not just Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and the Brontës bearing the brunt of its long shadow. Baby names are affected too. Stuff (New Zealand), however, reminds us where the inspiration for Edward Cullen's name actually comes from.
Edward is named after Mr Rochester from Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. (Amanda Diaz)
And finally, The Telegraph echoes the news of Sotheby's forthcoming auction of Brontëana.

A blog for today: The Life and Times of Michael5000 posts about Jane Eyre.

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