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Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009 12:03 am by M. in ,    4 comments
One of the latests works by the French composer Michel Bosc is inspired by Jane Eyre:
Symphonie N°7 opus 243 "Jane Eyre"
The first movement of the symphony was presented last January in Ville de la Garde (France) and the whole piece was performed last October 11 at the Church of Bandol (Bandol):
Concert de musique de chambre avec les solistes de l’orchestre de chambre « les Harmonies d’Orphée »
Avec la participation du pianiste Jean-Bernard Hupmann
Explication des œuvres et direction musicale : Maximilian Fröschl
A couple of videos of the performance can be watched on YouTube:
Part I: Les Moors de l'ÂmePart II: Masques

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  1. The 2 following movements could be avaible too but Youtube does'nt work very well right now.We hope to put III (Brumes) and IV (Tempête) soon on Youtube. Michel Bosc

  2. Thanks for telling us. We will update the post accordingly

  3. Last but not least ! the 2 others movement are now avaible on Youtube.
    Best regards,
    Michel Bosc

  4. Thanks so much for letting us know. We have now posted about them here: http://bronteblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/michel-boscs-jane-eyre-symphonie-part.html
