
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009 12:03 am by M. in ,    No comments
We have news from Italy and Switzerland:

From Italy comes Adriana, one of the winners in our recent anniversary contest who won a DVD copy of Wuthering Heights 2009 and reviews it:
I must admit I enjoyed watching this new story, although I found many things which I didn't like in the (let's call it) retelling, which on the contrary are foundamental in Emily's masterpiece. No Lockwood, no Nelly- unrealible narrators and originators of the mysterious story; different timing, so important for Emily, the settings not in the last decades of the XVIII cen - (Was Ivanhoe (1823) meant to be a connection with the Brontes' favourite writer?) and so on. But still, I did like it - probably because I could find in it the Yorkshire landscape, some themes which were developed in the "right" way (the social chains that tied up Love), the acting, the pronounce which was not the standard English.
I am not an exepert but I found the photography and the scenography excellent (even the quality of the DVD is superior to many other productions). So thank you a million, for offering me this chance. I do not know, otherwise, if and when, I'd have the opportunity to watch it in original (I live in Italy and who knows whether the Italian TV will ever broadcast it?).
And in Zürich, Switzerland, a new chance to see Annelies Štrba's My Life Dreams inspired by Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights:
Semina Rerum
Zürich, Switzerland
Annelies Strba, Dagmar Varady, Nives Widauer:
skies, clouds and dreams

September 27 - November 28
Fotointern has more information.

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