
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009 12:00 am by M. in ,    No comments
The Wuthering Heights 2009 broadcast in the UK is generating a huge quantity of comments and messages on Twitter. So many in fact that Wuthering Heights is right now a Twitter Trending Topic. You can check several of them in the channel #wutheringheights or just looking at the widget on our sidebar.

The following selection is just a random compilation taken in just twenty minutes or so:

Good Ones
yx37029 Surprising myself - I'm absolutely loving wuthering heights on ITV1

Anneli76 I watched Wuthering heights part 1 .... very good

ChristinaMCFLYx wow wuthering heights was really good :) cant wait for tomorrows part

Karina4449 Wuthering Heights got great right at the end! *waiting for tomorrow's episode*

82Bless Wuthering heights adaptation is pretty damn awesome, 1st half is easy its all about the love of Heathcliff and what a muppet Cathy is

kateydoll Wuthering Heights was amazing.

WestEndDreamer Wuthering Heights adaptation is brilliant! Interesting that its not a Cathy perspective...

adam_apathy Well, Wuthering Heights was really good. I thought it was beautifully adapted if a little unconventionally adapted.

rachaelblogs I loved Wuthering Heights loved it! Andrew Lincoln is a long time love! Can't wait until tomorrow's instalment.

OotSandShamen Ooh, Wuthering Heights was rather good. Looking forward to tomorrow's.

ChelseaLalor Watching Wuthering Heights on Utv and actually liking it!

Jayalay is actually liking this version of wuthering heights a lot, even though the bf says it's boring. book adaptations aren't all bad! :)

thisisnix thinks wuthering heights drama is pretty epic.. just loving watching it right now. - I want to read the novel.

JaneLMcGrath Kind of enjoyed Wuthering Heights on ITV but it was a bit too light and breezy - needs a bit more darkness. Tom Hardy is very good though.

i_am_a_shark oh my days, wuthering heights was rather amazing, have to be reading that book, like now!!!

lisjennings Had forgotten quite how much wuthering heights makes me cry.

WhySo_Serious Watching Wuthering Heights, tis pretty good.

thedreamergeo No Duh. That has got to be the best adaptation of "Wuthering Heights" I have seen. Word.

MarkDWestwood Is watching Wuthering Heights, reluctantly, is secretly enjoying it!
Bad Ones
BexiAddz Well ITV have made a shit adaptation of Wuthering Heights, damn them :@

doristeal wuthering heights - disappointing!

keltzy That was not a good Wuthering Heights - ITV seriously you couldnt invest in a decent wig? Try that old geezer in Paddinton Green next time.

hellololla A primeira parte de Wuthering Heights na ITV acabou de acabar. Estou desapontada.

mscyd1 What have they done to Wuthering Heights? Such a good cast. Such a mess of script. Did they read the book?

A15H4 *yawn* so dull... Not watching the concluding part of Wuthering Heights next week!

BrianHeys Not sure about the first episode of Wuthering Heights. Very confusing if you're not familiar with the story. I bet many people turned off.

matthewhn63 The Wuthering Heights remake is such a let down.. :(

Eliza23 Is it just me or is Wuthering Heights not as good as it should be? It's lacking something

shyamkapur RT @isabelle80 Wuthering Heights (ITV) a disappointment. Whoever messed with the plot that much needs a slap.

sarahdobbs Arghhhhhhhhhhh. They've just screwed up THE scene in Wuthering Heights. It's almost impressive how badly they fluffed it.
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