
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Friday, August 07, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009 1:37 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Well, it looks like Gordon Brown is not the only Heathcliff around in British politics. According to the Daily Mail we have another one, this time among the Tories:
Three years after Heathcliff-lookalike Tory MP James Gray left his wife Sarah, while she was recovering from treatment for breast cancer, friends are expecting him to announce his engagement to the woman who replaced her - horsewoman Philippa Mayo. (Richard Kay)
POP Magazine (Australia) selects Wuthering Heights in its 10 Books to Check Out list:
What?!? I know, but this book creates and draws characters and settings in your mind with such clarity that you can’t help but enjoy it. The book was written by Emily Bronte in a time when females couldn’t be published authors so it was written under the pseudonym, Ellis Bell. The Bronte sisters published several great books under similar names – Wuthering Heights is another to read. (Dave)
DNA talks about the Indian actress Simone Singh's reading preferences:
As a kid it was The Adventure ofWhite Fang by Jack London, as a young teenager it was the doomed romance of Wuthering Heights[.] (Namita Rajhans)
Brontës.nl reviews Jude Morgan's The Taste of Sorrow:
En wat nog wel het belangrijkst is: het verhaal is ontzettend goed geschreven. Soepel, inlevend, maar niet te dramatisch. Ook zonder de historische achtergrond zou dit een goed boek zijn. Vakantieliteratuur is het niet, en het leven van de Brontës wordt er niet minder tragisch door, maar dankzij de schrijfstijl van Morgan is het lezen in ieder geval wél een feest. (Google translation)
Zawan's Blog attended Joyce Carol Oates's lecture at Cornell University and shares her impressions with us, Ruth posts a Wuthering Heights-inspired collage.

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