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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:35 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Deccan Herald (India) talks about the benefits of reading:
As a youngster, ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte sparked my interest in reading. It could have been the smouldering personality of Heathcliffe, which imprinted itself on my young mind. Whatever it was, it was Emily’s creative skill of writing which drew me into the world of reading. Emily, according to history, came from an illiterate family, yet her father self taught himself, and built the Bronte siblings interest in reading.
Patrick's ancestors might have been illiterate, but Maria's certainly were not.

The Garden Island (Hawaii) recommends a couple of books from the local libraries with Brontë connections:
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
(...)But worse is to come as Hades has set his sights on one of the plums of literature, Jane Eyre, and he must be stopped. How Thursday achieves this inside Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece and manages to preserve one of the great books of the Western canon makes for delightfully hilarious reading.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
This epistolary novel, based on the Author’s painstaking, lifelong research is an homage to booklovers and a nostalgic portrayal of an era. As her quirky, loveable characters cite the works of Shakespeare, Austen, and the Brontës, Shaffer subtly weaves those writers’ themes into her own narrative. (Carolyn Larson)
We read in the Poughkeepsie Journal once more about the vampire-Twilight-Meyer-Bronte-Wuthering Heights connection:
Romance is the pulsating heart of the "Twilight" books by Stephenie Meyer, with the tortured love of Isabella Swan for the vampire Edward Cullen. Meyer patterns her books on classic romances: "Twilight" on "Pride and Prejudice," "New Moon" on "Romeo and Juliet," "Eclipse" on "Wuthering Heights," and 2008's "Breaking Dawn" on "The Merchant of Venice" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream." (McClatchy-Tribune)
On the Brontë Parsonage Blog more pictures of the recent Brontë Society York Conference and an article by Maddalena de Leo with some additional pictures. The Brussels Brontë Blog also devotes a post to this event. Bookshelves of doom has not been able to finish Brian James's The Heights, Wuthering Heights in a top five list in The Hattiesburg American, Denise Giardina's presents her book Emily's Ghost at Wonders & Marvels, the Evil Home Stereo talks about her doomed relationship with Emily Brontë. The Book Obsession reviews Cara Lockwood's Wuthering High. We have a couple of posts that show reservations with the Brontë novels Under Sundog with Wuthering Heights and The Occasional Sin with Jane Eyre. Fortunately krysalid has liked Jane Eyre better.

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