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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sunday, March 01, 2009 12:03 am by M. in , ,    No comments
An artistic alert for today March 1, 2009 from Singapore:
26 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009
Sculpture Square
Contemporary 3-D Art Centre
155 Middle Road

3 days performance art presentation
by Jason Lim

Psychobabble seeks to be a creative performance art research process. Artist Jason Lim creates for himself a platform to develop, challenge and support hybrid performance practices. Through this self-organized effort, he intends to explore ideas and understanding the practical issues in creating performance works. In this series of performances, the artist recalls, recollects and re-presents bits and pieces of actions that he had encountered during his travel and participation in various festivals and events as an artist in recent years. They are not a repetition of what the artist had seen but an improvisation with materials and forms that serves as inspirations for new ideas.

Sunday, 1st March 2009, 2pm to 10pm
Lines, a durational performance

A performance inspired by a poem written by Emily Brontë, of the same title. In her poem, Emily gives the impression of indifference to death. That death will free her from 'earthly cares' and 'distress'. It is also possible to interpret this attitude of death as relief from the suffering she has endured while mourning the losses in her family. The poem illustrates that life appears to be uncertain and relentless. Death itself is a desirable escape from the repercussions it brings into life. In this performance, the artist intends to makes the viewers feel for his honesty, views of the outside world, morality, reality, unconsciousness, nature, history, time, philosophy and emptiness.
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