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Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009 12:05 am by M. in , , , ,    1 comment
A couple of things that BrontëBlog readers have let us know:
An Italian translation of Charlotte Brontë's juvenilia novelette Henry Hastings (1838) is going to be published by Albus Edizioni. The translator is Professor Maddalena De Leo who has already translated other pieces of juvenilia: All'Hotel Stancliffe e altri Racconti Giovanili or Un'@mica dal passato, a young adult novel which also contained several Italian translations of juvenilia.
My translation into Italian of 'Henry Hastings', a juvenile tale by Charlotte Bronte will be published in a short while for the Italian market and is already in press. I also edited the book with a preface and a general introduction. This is the first time 'Henry Hastings' appears in Italian and its publisher is ALBUS , a new and very dynamic Italian publishing house.
2. And on a scholar level, Charlotte Mathieson from the University of Warwick informs us of the following event:
"Women Writing Space: Representations of Gender and Space in post-1850 British Women's Writing" at the University of Warwick, Saturday 7th March 2009.

Among many other interesting talks there will be a panel on "Victorian Borders and Boundaries" which includes a paper on Charlotte Bronte's Villette; also, one of our keynote talks will Lynne Walker, talking about Victorian women, identity, and space.

Lynne Walker (London)
'Going Public: Victorian Women, Identity and Domestic Space'

Henriette Donner (York University, Toronto)
‘Writing from the ‘Third Space’: Charlotte Bronte’s Villette’
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