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Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday, December 08, 2008 2:11 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
Let's begin by highlighting the following offer for tickets for the ongoing performances of Jane Eyre. The Musical at the Bridewell Theatre in London. As seen on amdram.co.uk:
Special Offer for all Amdram users. Simply quote Brontë when booking or at the box office to claim tickets for only £10.00 each !!!!
Today we have a couple of updates from Brontë-related blogs There was Charlotte, Anne, then there was... Emily devotes a post to Emily Brontë's writing style. And the Brussels Brontë Blog posts about their recent Christmas Lunch with some pictures.

Dappled Things reviews several Ignatius Critical Edition of classic novels and mentions the one of Wuthering Heights:
Three books have already been produced: Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (a long misinterpreted and maligned novel that shines in its new setting) (Eleanor Bourg Donlon)
Journaling the English Novel is reading Wuthering Heights and so far, so good. Ms Amanda's Blog has read (again) Jane Eyre and compares it with the Twilight saga. It's Not Headcrabs posts about Wide Sargasso Sea. lucy_snowe758 has just finished watching Jane Eyre 2006,

El Periódico26 (Cuba) announces another award for Félix Sánchez's Otras Cumbres Borrascosas:
Con el texto de cuentos La sombra del paisaje Lourdes María González Herrero (Holguín, 1952) es la ganadora de la IV edición del concurso nacional de narrativa Guillermo Vidal, convocado por el Comité Provincial de la UNEAC en Las Tunas, la Asociación Nacional de Escritores de esa organización y el Instituto Cubano del Libro, según lo informado esta semana.
Los escritores Humberto Arenal, Alberto Edel Morales y Carlos Esquivel, fueron los encargados de evaluar las obras en competencia, y decretaron, de manera excepcional, entregarle una mención a Félix Sánchez (Ciego de Ávila) por Otras cumbres borrascosas, elogiando su humor y la destreza narrativa. (Zucel De la Peña Mora) (Google translation)
Finally, we report the recent performance (last November 28) in the Altes Kurhaus of Aachen (Germany) of Und ich dachte, es sei Liebe (And I thought it was Love) where Hannelore Hoger read (and Siegfried Gerlich played piano compositions of Chopin, Debussy and Schumann) from farewell letters to beloved (or not) men from very different women like Simone de Beauvoir, Marlene Dietrich, Anaïs Nin, Queen Elizabeth I and ... Charlotte Brontë as the Aachener Nachrichten publishes:
Ganz unterschiedliche Briefe sind das, mutig-emanzipiert lehnt zum Beispiel die englische Schriftstelerin Charlotte Bronte («Jane Eyre») 1839 als 23-Jährige einen Heiratsantrag ab, weil sie sich den Ansprüchen des Bewerbers nicht gewachsen fühlt. In einem sehr gütigen Brief, der unbefangen vom «Ruhm des Ehestandes» wie auch dem «Stigma einer alten Jungfer» spricht. (Grit Schorn) (Google translation)
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