
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Monday, September 01, 2008

Monday, September 01, 2008 7:12 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Holyday Hypermarket promotes tourism in Yorkshire:
According to the national tourist authority VisitBritain, the Yorkshire countryside can be an inexpensive and conveniently-accessed holiday location for those not wanting to head abroad.
Elliott Frisby, a spokesperson for VisitBritain, said: "Cosy up with a loved one for a break on the Yorkshire moors as immortalised by Bronte's Wuthering Heights, or in Whitby in the north-east with its gothic associations, cliff[s] and beachside walks."
El Mundo Magazine (Spain) in an article about the most curious Spanish business offices highlights the following:
OFELIA GRANDE. Directora de la editorial Siruela. (...) « Más de 500 libros se ordenan amontonados en las sillas o en estanterías, y alrededor de ?00 ocupan su mesa de dos metros. Entre todos destaca el suyo de cabecera: Cumbres borrascosas." (Aurora G. Mateache) (Google Translation)
Dvdrama interviews (in French) the film director Pascal Laugier:
Avant Saint-Ange, ce film a nourri mon fantasme français de cinéma victorien, mon amour pour la littérature Victorienne (les soeurs Bronté, Henry James pour qui j'ai toujours une grande passion). Saint-Ange correspondait au fantasme d'adapter ça dans l'imagerie française. (Google Translation)
Knitting a Dissertation has reread Wuthering Heights, Historical Fiction briefly reviews Elizabeth Newark's Jane Eyre's Daughter (you can check our review here):
The very first scene of this novel pulled me in and the suspense continued to build to the very end. I’m very impressed!
Arukiyomi reviews Villette and begins the post with this boutade:
Forget Jane Eyre. Yes, I said forget her. There is such a huge chasm of difference between these books that you’d hardly think they were by the same author.
By the way, the North Oaks (MN) Bookclub is reading Villette this September and The German newspaper Wiesbadener Tagblatt presents the book Zwischen Pflicht und Liebe by Silvia Bauer. Apparently the author started her literary endeavours writing new (happy) endings to books she liked. One of the first ones was Villette.

Diary of a Mad Movie Fanatic
briefly posts about Jacques Tourneur's 1943 masterpiece I Walked With a Zombie.

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