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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 4:46 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Some books and theatre pieces that have been featured previously on BrontëBlog reappear in new reviews:

The Miami Herald publishes about George Packard's theatre play Betrayed will be premiered in Miami:
Fresh from its run in New York, GableStage director Joseph Adler seized the chance to produce New Yorker writer Packer's adaptation of his interviews with Iraqis who worked for the Americans, what they risked and endured. (...)
The single female interpreter, Intisar (Ceci Fernandez, whose expressive eyes tell the story), quotes Emily Bronte and dreams of being allowed to ride a bicycle through the streets like her brothers, without being punished for ''immodesty.'' (Eileen Spiegler)
And Irina Reyn's What Happened to Anna K? is reviewed on the Christian Science Monitor:
Anna K., a romantic who read “Wuthering Heights” 14 times growing up, has always longed to be the main character of a novel – preferably a big 19th-century one by a literary giant. “She would imagine it was she who was the heroine, willing powerful lovers to prostrate themselves before her, allowing them to sob their love to her in the middle of a rainstorm, at balls, inside carriages.” (Yvonne Zipp)
On the blogosphere, The Absurd Heroine makes the following question:
Does anyone else have the nagging suspicion that Charlotte Bronte added the whole story arc involving St. John in Jane Eyre just to subvert the whole romance that Jane Austen penned in Mansfield Park?
And lovely gay_bear (sic) posts about a 1965 introduction to Wuthering Heights, by David Daiches.

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