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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tuesday, July 01, 2008 12:05 am by M. in , ,    No comments
The star of July is Agnes Grey:

Oxford University Press publishes a revised edition of Agnes Grey (July 10):
Agnes Grey
Anne Brontë

Edited by Robert Inglesfield and Hilda Marsden
With an introduction and notes by Robert Inglesfield

Price: £5.99 (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-953663-4
Publication date: 10 July 2008
Oxford Paperbacks
256 pages, 196x129 mm
Series: Oxford World's Classics

Drawing directly on her own unhappy experiences, Anne Brontë's first-person narrative describes the almost unbelievable pressures endured by nineteenth-century governesses - the isolation, the frustration, and the insensitive and sometimes cruel treatment meted out by employers and their families.
Distinguished by its sharp, often ironic observation of middle-class social behaviour, this deeply personal novel also touches on religious belief, moral responsibility, and individual integrity and its survival.
Using the text of the definitive Clarendon edition, this volume also incorporates Anne Brontë's previously unpublished manuscript revisions.
And a book club alert for this month, July 2008:
Barnes & Noble Book Clubs

Literature by Women
AGNES GREY: Discussion Schedule July 2008

The month of July finds us reading Agnes Grey, a semi-autobiographical novel by Anne Bronte. Based on her experiences as a governess, Anne's first novel was published under the pseudonym of Acton Bell, a name adopted when the three Bronte sisters published a volume of poetry.

June 30 - July 6: Chapters 1 (The Parsonage) - 9 (The Ball)
July 7 - July 13: Chapters 10 (The Church) - 19 (The Letter)
July 14 - July 20: Chapters 20 (The Farewell) - 25 (Conclusion), the Appendix, and the Novel as a Whole
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