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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Thursday, May 01, 2008 12:04 am by M. in ,    No comments
The Brontë Parsonage Museum has sent us the following press release. An alert for next May 5:
Monday 5 May
Chaffinches and Churchyards
An activity day for families at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.

Spring is in the air and this May bank holiday the Brontë Parsonage Museum is offering families a day of outdoor activities… with a difference. When you have explored the fascinating home where the Brontë family grew up, take one of the special Discovery Bags and meet the inhabitants of Haworth Churchyard! No, not the ghosts (although you never know) but some of the varied plants and creatures that like to call the churchyard home. The museum’s education officer Susan Newby, who will be running the activities, says
“As well as being really interesting places to explore historically, churchyards can be a haven to a surprising range of species, all coming alive at this time of year. It’s great to have a dig around and see what you turn up!”
Amongst other things, you’ll find in your bag a pooter (yes, a real word!) to catch your mini beast and a ‘bug viewer’ to see it magnified; you can draw a picture of it too if you like.
Follow the churchyard trail as well and even try your hand at a bit of grave rubbing!
The activities begin at 11.00am and carry on, on the hour, with the last session at 4.00pm.
All activities are free, with normal admission charge to the museum.

Museum opening times: 10.00am – 5.00pm

Admission charges:

Adults £5.00
Students £4.00
Children £2.50
Families (2 adults & 3 children) £15
Contact Sue Newby for more details:
01535 640185 or susan.newby@bronte.org.uk
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