
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008 1:36 pm by M. in ,    2 comments
We read in The Independent about a new name for the new Wuthering Heights film project. We had a writer: Olivia Hetreed, a director: John Maybury and a Cathy: Natalie Portman. Now we have a Linton: Andrew Lincoln.
It has been reported (May 11) that Andrew Lincoln has been chosen to be Linton... but in the Mammoth Screen three-part TV WH adaptation for ITV.

Like many British actors before him, Andrew Lincoln finds plying his trade across the pond can be a demanding experience.

The blokeish star, best remembered for his role in cult series This Life, is currently working on an as-yet untitled TV series with Men In Black creator Barry Sonnenfeld.

"It was very difficult though, I have to admit," he told me at a recent party in aid of Barnados.

"It's not just the accent, it's completely different culturally. It's like playing baseball. You are under so much pressure to get the take right – three strikes and you're out. It has been more like controlling one's own fear rather than acting."

No matter, since Lincoln will be back working on these shores soon. He informed me he's just been cast as Edgar to appear alongside Natalie Portman in the latest big-screen adaptation of Wuthering Heights. (Harry Deedes)

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  1. Oh wow!!!!. That's okay, i think. He doesn't really look like an Edgar, and i suppose we've lost the very sharp contrast between Edgar and Heathcliff physically. Which upsets me, but he's a good actor. His age confuses me. I thought they were going to cast young for this version. On the plus side this could mean they're doing the second half of the novel.

  2. It's all very intriguing yet at this point. I should hope they were doing the second part, but we shall see.

    As for casting young - well, that's what they said but the cast so far is not especially young (nor very old either fortunately).
