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Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008 12:06 am by M. in ,    No comments
Another alert from Toulouse. A one-day conference devoted to the Brontës:
Revisiting Inner Space / La Réinvention de l’espace intérieur
Brontë one-day conference / Journée d’étude Brontë.
28 Mars 2008 Université Toulouse II-le Mirail

Much has been said about the way in which Charlotte and Emily Brontë transposed the Gothic sense of enclosure and located alienation within the domestic constraints imposed upon women. This colloquium aims to study the ways in which the sisters negotiate the boundaries of self and society and (re)locate or conceal intimacy, especially through the tropes of sincerity and theatricality. Interest may range from the way in which they create a visual world of their own in the juvenilia, pictures, poems, letters or novels— not to mention the essays written in Belgium, which obey and challenge the constraints of form and language. Particular attention may be paid to the function of embedded pictures or theatrical moments within the novels, reflecting or challenging the way in which the narrative voice represents the self. The dialectical play on mask and revelation may be connected with wider cultural debates and issues, possibly focusing on the way in which the private self may be exposed through transpositions, from the Victorian performances of Jane Eyre on stage discussed by Patsy Stoneman to twentieth-century rewritings.
This is the programme of the conference:
9:00 Catherine LANONE (Université Toulouse II-le Mirail): “From Bewick’s Birds to Lucy Snowe: Female Arctic Spectacles”

9:45 Charlotte BORIE (Université Toulouse II-le Mirail) : “From Shrine to Stage: Inner Space and the Curtain in Jane Eyre“

10:30-10:45 Coffee break / Pause

10:45 Claire BAZIN (Université Paris X-Nanterre): “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman”

11:30 Laurence TALAIRACH-VIELMAS (Université Toulouse II-le Mirail): “‘Portrait of a Governess, Disconnected, Poor, and Plain’: Staging the Spectral Self in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre“

Lunch / pause déjeuner

14:00 Patsy STONEMAN (University of Hull): “Inside Out: Jane Eyre on the Victorian Stage”

14:45 Bernadette BERTRANDIAS (Univesrité Blaise Pascal): “Les travestis dans Jane Eyre, Shirley et Villette“

15:15-15:30 Coffee break / Pause

15:30 Augustin TRAPENARD (ENS Lyon): “Auctorial (Im-)Postures in Emily Brontë’s ‘Diary Papers’”

16:15 Sylvie MAUREL (Université Toulouse II-le Mirail): ”The Other Stage: from Charlotte Brontë to Jean Rhys”
More information: Brontë Parsonage Blog.

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