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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008 12:04 am by M. in ,    No comments
Several Brontë-related contributions will be presented at the Sixteenth Annual British Women Writers Conference 2008 that begins today, March 28 in Bloomington, Indiana:
BWWC 2008

March 27-30, 2008
Indiana University
442 Ballantine Hall
1020 E. Kirkwood Ave.
Bloomington , IN 47405-7103

Thursday, March 27th

Venturing into the Margins of Female Desire
• Morgan Richardson, “Selling the Heights: Charlotte Brontë’s Editorial Motivations,” University of Kentucky

Women Rewrite Marginalized Discourses
• Martha Griffin, “Speaking in Ink: Writing Helen’s Voice in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall,” University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Constructing and Deconstructing Female Communities
• Laura Kasson, “Charlotte Brontë Reading Jane Austen,” Indiana University, Bloomington

Friday, March 28th

Redefining the Romantic Legacy: Nature, Politics and Celebrity • Laurel Czaikowski, “ ‘Creation is Equally Meaningless’: Nature and Civilization in Brontë’s Devoirs and Poetry,” University of Florida

The Landscapes of Subjectivity • Kathleen A. Miller, “Jane Eyre and the Creation of the Female Gothic Artists,” University of Delaware

Saturday, March 29th

England Uprooted? Marginal Women and Canonical Texts
• Gretchen Frank, “Rochester’s Marginal Passion: The Fetishized Women of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre,” Illinois State University
• Melisa Summy, “How Wide the Sargasso Sea?: Opposing Views of the ‘Marginally English/Marginally White’ Body of the Creole Woman in Nineteenth-Century Literature by British and Creole Women Writers,” Miami University at Ohio

Writing Under the Influence: The Author-ization of Emotion
• Sîan Griffiths, “Legacy of the Lunatic: Jane Eyre and Aurora Leigh", Piedmont College

Reading Outside the Usual Margins

• Megan Morris, “Domesticating the Amazon: Hybridity, Industrialization, and Colonizationin Charlotte Brontë's Shirley", University of Rochester

Colonizing Courtship
• Amanda Konkle, “Blood and All: Jane Eyre, Menarche, and the (Plain) Female Body’s Movement Against Imperialism and Patriarchy,” Miami University of Ohio
• Sally B. Palmer, “Imperial Echoes: The Brontës and the Discourse of Domination,” South Dakota School of Mines

De-centralizing Narratives of National and Philosophical Origins

• Julia D. Kent, “Englishwomen and the Channel: Revising national character in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette,” American University of Beirut
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