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Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008 12:15 am by M. in ,    No comments
Meet The Sargasso Trio, in their own words:
The united sound of three songwriters; Emily Siddall, Pete Murdoch and Ben Winn. They first met in 2002, playing samba. From this they fell into writing acoustic synth-folk, latin lovesongs, odes to the road and ballads of the sea. On any given song they might play guitars, drums, keyboards, samples or saucepans, bottles or customised rhythm shoes. And they bind this all with a love of vocal harmony.
They have a new album coming out this month: Burnin' Burnin' Burnin' that contains a track entitled Wide Sargasso Sea. The album is reviewed on Click Music:
Pete Murdoch, Emily Siddall and Ben Winn all played in Norwich's very own 40-piece marching Samba band together before producing - strictly as a trio - this synth-folk debut album of stunning eclecticism. The penultimate 'Get Workin' On Me' (clocking in at 7:01, the album's longest song) is a kaleidoscope of the rest of the album's many hues - sunset colours and ultramarine blues (think Jean Rhys' 'Wide Sargasso Sea') spring to mind.
The track begins with Siddall a cappella singing vulnerable Janis Joplin-esque blues lyrics ('want'/'need' featuring prominently), which recalls her bewitching siren song with a Gaelic lilt intro to earlier track 'Wide Sargasso Sea'. (Jon Parry)
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