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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008 1:23 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Attention, Cathy and Heathcliff wannabes in Australia. Auditions for a Wuthering Heights production next May are being held today, February 24, in Fremantle, Western Australia:
Wuthering Heights
by Emily Bronte, adapted by Charles Vance
Directed by Nicola Bond

Sunday February 24th 2008 from 2.00pm
Harbour Theatre, Princess May Building, Cnr Parry St and Cantonment Sts, Fremantle WA

A stunning version of Emily Bronte’s classic, the immortal love story set amid the bleak beauty of Haworth Moor; the landscape over which towers the wild, terrible figure of Heathcliff. The tale of his searing passion for the beautiful Catherine Earnshaw has the vividness of nightmare, the beauty and simplicity of an old ballad and depth and intensity of ancient tragedy. A spell-binding thriller and ghost story to be staged at Harbour Theatre within the ideally situated heritage listed Princess May Building.

The following cast is required :-
- Mr Lockwood (40+), tenant of Thrushcross Grange
- Joseph (50+), Manservant at Wuthering Heights
- Cathy Linton (16-19), daughter of Catherine and Edgar Linton , widow of Linton Heathcliffe
- Hareton Earnshaw (17 – 19yo), son of Hindley Earnshaw
- Heathcliff (20+)
- Ellen Dean (40+), Housekeeper of Thrushcross Grange
- Catherine Earnshaw (17yo), of Wuthering Heights
- Edgar Linton (20+), of Thrushcross Grange
- Hindley Earnshaw (30+), Catherine’s older brother
- zisabella Linton (17-20yo), Edgar’s younger sister

The above ages are stage ages only so please do not hesitate to audition even if you do not fall within the age ranges stated.
Some regional English accents are required

For full details and an audition time please contact the director Nicola on 0417 907 291 or home 9316 8751.
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