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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008 12:03 am by M. in ,    5 comments
Jane Eyre airs today, January 9, in Italy and is published in Germany (on DVD) tomorrow (January 10):


Rete 4

January 9 21:10 Part 1
January 11 21:10 Part 2
Jane Eyre
Ksm GmBH

Kauf-DVD VÖ: 10.01.2008
Bildformat: 16:9 – 1:1,78
Tonformat: Deutsch (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Untertitel: Deutsch
Extras: Audiokommentar, Über Charlotte Bronte, Interviews und Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Filmo- und Biographien, Bildergalerie
Genre: Drama
Laufzeit: ca. 231 Min.
Label: NewKSM
Categories: ,


  1. This is not fair--why don't they have it dubbed in French? The already romantic Edward would be completely and utterly irresitible in French, especially in the after-fire scene. *Sigh* :(
    Still, an Italian Rochester has potential. :) Thank you very much for posting.

  2. Hello again, I've just seen parts of Jane Eyre in Italian on YouTube, and.... Oh my gosh....
    An Italian Rochester has a lot more than potential. Would you happen to know where, or if, I can buy this? I know I can get Jane Eyre in German on Ebay or Amazon, but I cannot find it in Italian. Help!?! I positively need JE in this beautiful language. Thank you!

  3. As far as we know there's no Italian edition of Jane Eyre 2006. Did you know there is also a Spanish edition? What about Rochester in Spanish?

  4. Yes, I have seen Jane Eyre in Spanish on YouTube last year, and...meh; though, granted, it is better than the Hungarian dub. Jane's voice is annoying; and compared to Italian or French, Spanish simply isn't what I would consider a romantic language. But I do admit that 'Buenos noches' has never sounded so seductive as it does in this version.
    Thank you, though. :)

  5. Hi, I just wanted to say that I eventually found the Italian version, exactly a year after I discovered that it existed. Yay! And yes, I know it's been a while. ;)
