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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:26 am by M. in ,    No comments
An alert from The Friends of Plymouth Grove via The Gaskell Society:
Due to the enormous interest in Elizabeth Gaskell since the showing of Cranford on B.B.C. T.V. recently, the Friends of Plymouth Grove have decided to hold an extra open day-
A Cranford Day to be held on Sunday 13th January 2008. The house will be open from 12 p.m.until 3p.m. There will be slide shows, on Knutsford's Cranford Days and on Plymouth Grove, as well as an extensive book shop, plus displays and refreshments. The entrance to this not to be missed part of the day is free.
At 3.30 p.m. there will be a performance of "At Home with the Gaskells" by Delia Corrie and Charles Foster, followed by a delightful Victorian style tea.
This event is bookable and costs £7 50. Early booking is advised as numbers are limited.
For details email: ann.obrien3@ntlworld.com
The Manchester Evening News gives more (but not very accurate) information:

THE Manchester home of 19th Century novelist Elizabeth Gaskell is to be opened to the public following the success of TV drama Cranford.
Usually the property remains closed during winter.
But since the screening of the BBC's costume drama - based on three of Gaskell's works and which starred Dame Judi Dench - the trust has been inundated with inquiries from viewers who want to tour the property.
Now they can visit on Sunday.
The Cranford Day event will include an exhibition of Victorian costumes as well as a slide show about Knutsford, the Cheshire market town where Gaskell grew up and on which she based the fictional town of Cranford.
Ann O'Brien, chairman of the Friends of Plymouth Grove, which raises funds for the Manchester Historic Buildings Trust, said: "When it came on the television and got such a positive reaction we thought it was a shame not to open the house until March.
"This is the house where Mrs Gaskell wrote all but one of her novels. She lived here for 15 years."
During her time in the house, Gaskell was visited by Charles Dickens, Emily (!!!!) Bronte, Charles Halle and John Ruskin. But as well as the literary and social interest, Mrs O'Brien insists that the property is of architectural importance too. She said: "From an architectural point of view the house is interesting because it is one of the few Regency period houses that are left in the Manchester area and it still has many of the original features."
The Manchester Historic Buildings Trust is raising £2.3m for restoration work.
Last month the trust was given a boost when Dame Judi Dench agreed to be a patron.
Cranford won critical acclaim and was watched by around 8m viewers.
Entrance to the property, on Plymouth Grove, in Longsight, on January 13, is free. The house will be open between noon and 3pm. (Deborah Haile)
Needless to say Emily was quite dead when Charlotte visited Elizabeth Gaskell's house.

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