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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:04 am by M. in ,    No comments
Luis Buñuel's 1953 Mexican take on Wuthering Heights, Abismos de Pasión, is the subject of several news and alerts:

In Firenze, Italy, the Cineteca di Firenza is organizing a Buñuel season: Buñueliana. Il cinema libertario e surreale di Luis Buñuel. Abismos de Pasión is scheduled for today, January 22:

Cineteca di Firenze in Via Reginaldo Giuliani 374
martedì 22 gennaio
20.00 ABISMOS DE PASIÓN (Cime tempestose)
di Luis Buñuel, dal romanzo di Emily Brontë
con Jorge Mistral e Irasema Dilian, MEX1953.
Versione originale in spagnolo. Inedito in Italia
And in Germany there's a couple of news. First, Pierrot Le Fou/AL!IVE AG has released a DVD box set with five movies of Buñuel, including Abgründe der Leidenschaft, that is, Abismos de Pasión:
Luis Buñuel- Mexico

Die Vergessenen / Los Olvidados (Mexiko, 1950)
Susanna - Tochter des Lasters / Susana - Carne y Demonio (Mexiko, 1951)
Er / Él (Mexiko, 1952)
Abgründe der Leidenschaft / Abismos de Pasión (Mexiko, 1953)
Das verbrecherische Leben des Archibaldo de la Cruz / Ensayo de un Crimen (Mexiko, 1955)

Technische Daten:
Sprache / Ton: Spanisch DD 2.0 ("Die Vergessenen" außerdem Deutsch DD 2.0)
Bildformat: 4:3 (Originalformat)
Untertitel: Deutsch

- Dokumentation "Un Bunuel Mexicano"
- Kurzfilm "Land ohne Brot - Las Hurdes"
- Alternatives Ende zu "Die Vergessenen"
- 28-seitiges Booklet

Finally, the next Berlinale, which begins February 7, devotes its retrospective to Luis Buñuel. It will include Abismos de Pasión but the exact dates have yet to be announced.

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