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Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007 12:07 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
An alert from the Australian Brontë Association for today, November 2. Have you ever wonder how you can connect a talk about Greenland with Jane Eyre?
Friday 2nd NOVEMBER 7pm in Eastwood


The young Jane Eyre, while looking at the pictures in Bewick’s Birds, muses on the arctic wastes that act as a backdrop to some of the woodcuts and refers to Greenland as ‘that reservoir of frost and snow’.

When the Northern Ocean, in vast whirls,
Boils round the naked, melancholy Isles
Of farthest Thule; and the Atlantic surge
Pours in among the stormy Hebrides.

Thule is in Greenland. In 2006, Christopher and Elisabeth Cooper and Marloesje Valkenburg visited the remote east coast of Greenland. During this evening we will learn of this country that is like none other on earth. Book by ringing Christopher Cooper on 9804-7473.
And in L.A., the Los Angeles County Museum of Art organizes a retrospective on Luis Buñuel, including his take on Wuthering Heights, Abismos de Pasión:
Buñuel: Wuthering Heights
Friday, November 2 | 9:00 pm

Buñuel began working on this adaptation of the Emily Brontë novel (a favorite of the surrealists) in Paris in the early 1930s, though it took two decades to go into production. Transported to the barren, petrified landscape of Taxco in Mexico, Brontë’s tale of doomed, all-consuming love is pushed to tortured excess and etched with dark, surreal images. “Triumphant…a blatant hacienda melodrama that camps out on poverty row before blasting into the stratosphere—a great movie that successfully travesties a great novel.” – J. Hoberman, Village Voice
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