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Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007 12:05 am by M. in ,    No comments
Regard poétique sur les travaux de Philippe Pianetti, is a new photographical exhibition opening today, November 23, at the Galerie Sintitulo in Mougins, France. It contains some pictures of the Brontë country:
« Je marche dans le monde. Faire cette expérience m’emmène au croisement de chemins parfois tortueux et difficiles, à la rencontre de lieux où la mémoire est à vif. D’autres lieux semblent plus légers et contemplatifs. »
Philippe Pianetti

"I walk the world. This experience takes me to crossroads which are sometimes crooked, sometimes difficult, in search of the places where the memory is alive. Other places seem less heavy and more contemplative."

===> Regard poétique sur les travaux de Philippe Pianetti,
23 november to 6 december 2007
In the picture: Philippe Pianetti, Digital photography on papier Canson, "Glithering Hill, The wuthering heights west Yorkshire", april 2003, 85x100 cm, private collection.

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