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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thursday, November 01, 2007 1:22 pm by M. in ,    No comments
The film Brontë generates confusing and contradictory news. Since some week there are strong rumours that the production has serious financial problems. Some sources even suggest a delay from the original shooting schedule (starting next November 5) until next spring. Nevertheless a few weeks ago new additions and changes to the cast were announced and today, The Telegraph & Argus publishes an interview with Andrew Tomlinson, art director of the production that implies the production is still going on. Nevertheless the article has to be read with a pinch of salt because it maintains that Michelle Williams and Bryce Dallas Howard are still attached to the project.

EDIT: On the right, The Brontë parade according to The Telegraph & Argus. Source
Working on the set of the new film Bronte is a world away from amateur theatre, but that's where 27 year-old Andrew Tomlinson got his inspiration.
Andrew, a former student at Ermysted's Grammar School, Skipton, first got involved in set designing as a small boy with Haworth West Lane Baptist Amateur Operatic Society.
Now he is stand-by art director to top film designer Charles Sturridge on the new film Bronte, which stars Evan Rachel Wood, Michelle Williams and Bryce Dallas Howard as the famous sisters.
He has been back home - his family live in Oldfield, near Oakworth - convincing Mr Sturridge Haworth's Main Street must be included in the film, which starts shooting in a few weeks.
Andrew said: "The film could have been made anywhere but I thought we couldn't make a film of the Brontes without getting Haworth in somewhere.
"It is fraught with difficulty because of the way the shops have changed over the years, but the area has a huge place in my heart.
"Coming home to work from London, where I live, is important for me."
His rise from humble, unpaid junior in a film company art department, to his role in helping to set the style of the movie which traces the lives of the three sisters and their family, has come in four short years. (...)
His first break came thanks to Moira Tate, of the National Film School, who got him work experience with production designer, Michael Howells on the film, Shackleton.
After university, Andrew was invited again to join Mr Howells as an art department assistant and then went on to work on the Stephen Fry's movie Bright Young Things.
His role in Bronte is more crucial - he is responsible for accuracy when planning locations, sets and studio work and has to be present during the seven-week shoot. (Clive White)
Keighley News also publishes an article about the movie. Nothing new, but they give the details of the new cast and keep the reported schedule: Next November 5 in Delph.

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